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Thank you for choosing Empowerment Advocacy Group (EAG) to assist you in your employment readiness journey. We are proud to partner with you as skills, abilities, confidence and self-awareness are built. Throughout this journey, you will experience hands-on, interactive programming that is centered around you, the customer.
About us
EAG is a person-centered Workforce Development Agency that empowers youth and adults to become exceptional within their prospective fields. We are a CARF International Accredited organization that primary focus is to break down employment barriers through an array of services to aid in workforce success, no matter the education level or employment background. With your informed choice, we provide experience and expertise in job development, job placement, job coaching, employee retention and community resources to your fingertips. Here at EAG, we strive to impact the community and create change.
Contact information
Empowerment Advocacy Group Corporate Headquarters
3233 Coolidge HWY
Berkley, MI 48072
Email: info@empowermentag.com
Phone: 248-268-2711